Season Two - The Quest. With special focus on the evolving crises of the 21st century. Season One - Psychotherapy: Jungian Approach to Healing. Season Three - En Español: la Psicología Junguiana y la Crisis de Nuestro Tiempo Banner illustration is by LINDSEY HARRIS, Jungian Analyst. It is the front cover of the book ”The Sower and the Seed”.
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Concentramos en los capítulos 8 y 9 de Recuerdos, Sueños, Pensamientos que cuentan primero, la historia de la construcción de su Torre. El escribe:
Nos precipitamos impetuosamente hacia la novedad, impulsados por una creciente sensación de insuficiencia, insatisfacción e inquietud. Ya no vivimos de lo que tenemos, sino de promesas, ya no a la luz del día presente, sino en la oscuridad del futuro, que, esperamos, finalmente traerá el adecuado amanecer. Nos negamos a reconocer que todo lo mejor se compra al precio de algo peor; que, por ejemplo, la esperanza de una mayor libertad se ve cancelada por una mayor esclavitud al Estado, por no hablar de los terribles peligros a los que nos exponen los descubrimientos más brillantes de la ciencia."
Y luego, la historia de sus viajes donde él, por un lado, va buscando un significado fuera de sus propias raíces europeas y, por otro, se encuentra fascinado, pero también atemorizado de ser totalmente absorbido por la cultura indígena. Jung buscó en sí mismo el otro lado de la mente europea y osciló entre una severa crítica del punto de vista europeo y la necesidad de mantenerse en estas raíces porque estaba en peligro de ser engullido, tragado por otras culturas. Su inmersión en ellas tuvo sobre él una tremenda atracción magnética y en consecuencia tuvo que resistirla para mantener su sentido de identidad. Fue capaz de experimentar las dimensiones espirituales de culturas completamente distintas e incorporarlas a la Psicología Analítica, además de ofrecerlas a Occidente para su contemplación.
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
The conflicts and contradictions of the European Union are explained, in particular the manner in which its monetary policy breaks the treaties of the Union. Populists and nationalist reactions in the "north" are explained in this context. The episode ends with a poem by W.B.Yeats The Second Coming:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Part B will follow in the next episode which examines the centripetal and centrifugal forces acting on the EU government and the member states. It will examine the idea that contrary to the centralising tendency of the EU government it might be that the abandoning of the Euro (and therefore the currency union) is the only way of saving the European Union.
1.The Bitcoin Standard (2018) by Saifdean Ammous. especially chapters 4-7;
2. The blog of Tuomas Malinen on the www.gnseconomics.com website; also youtube videos;
3. Fredrick Hayek’s classic 1944 book: The Road to Serfdom.
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
S2 Ep37. The Crisis of our Times. Part 11. Capitalism and the Soul
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Why do I juxtapose economic and financial theory, policy and practice on the one hand, and spiritual matters on the other. The answer is that it is only in theory and specialisms that such things are separated. In practice the human psyche consists of many parts, but it is a fundamental drive within us to unify them, to make ourselves whole instead of being conflicting parts.
At first glance economic and monetary policy along with poetry and mysticism seem strange bedfellows. But I am suggesting more than this – that the evolving emergencies have at least ten dimensions – and undoubtedly many more. I am suggesting a multi-dimenional crisis. Never with more urgency do we need a spiritual vision of the planet, which unites economics politics, climate, our treatment of all life and so on. On a purely practical note, we need to put spirit and ethical values into the economy and our political system and our relationship to nature. Our philosophies, theories, specialism and knowledge systems have been tremendously creative but unless there is a radical paradigm shift our species will be profoundly self-traumatised and possibly extinguished. Since we bear responsibility for all life on earth and now, we realise, for the planet itself, this is the moment of our truth.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
S3 Ep4. Carl Jung: Recuerdos, Sueños, Pensamientos. Spanish Language Podcast
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Recuerdos, Sueños, Pensamientos, el más accesible y popular de los escritos de Jung, sirve de introducción inspiradora al turbulento mundo interior que subyace al exterior burgués de un visionario extraordinario.
Aquí, en esta breve charla, seleccioné aquellos detalles que ilustran mi tesis principal: a saber, que Jung luchó intensamente con sus propias tendencias desintegradoras y tuvo que encontrar una solución creativa para ellas, para él y para el colectivo.
“Los años en que perseguía mis imágenes internas fueron los más importantes de mi vida: en ellos se decidió todo lo esencial. Todo comenzó entonces; los detalles posteriores son solo suplementos y aclaraciones del material que brotó del inconsciente y al principio me inundó. Fue la prima materia para el trabajo de toda la vida ... " Carl Jung.
Este mini-serie sobre Jung es hecho por el equipo del Quest:
el escritor, Alan Mulhern; la traductora, Maria; la locutora, Beatriz.
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
S2 Ep36. The Crisis of our Times. Part 10. World Crisis and the Search for Soul
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
I am a psychotherapist with an interest not only in the individual psyche but also that of the collective. The malaise of civilization has become increasingly my focus in these podcasts; the evolving multidimensional crises of the 21st century is my backdrop; the ten horseman (or crises) of the apocalypse are the drivers of my argument. These are the economic, political, climatic, military, technological, spiritual, clash of ideas, pandemic, financial, and social.
I have suggested a road map of the evolving crises: 1. Approaching storm; 2. Storm hits; 3. Policy response; 4 Economic and financial chaos; 5. Great Global Depression; 6 Civil disturbance, political radicalism, dangers of war; 7 Fallout and emergence in a radically changed world.
We are now passing from stage 3 to 4. Immense money creation and government intervention can postpone the crisis but only intensify it later.
Yet visionary responses are possible. These begin with a reorientation of consciousness outside the ego. The poem The Sower and the Seed is presented as an example. Its subject is the formulation of a creation mythology which is always the foundation of a radical paradigm change, in this case from a materialist to a spiritual cosmic view, which is the essence of the pilgrim's quest.
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
S2 Ep35. The Crisis of our Times. Part 9. Capitalism and Changing Consciousness
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
For the next group of episodes, there will be a mini-series providing an overview of the driver of our global civilization – the capitalist system. What distinguishes this presentation from the many other authors on this topic is its focus on the changes in consciousness that capitalism has brought about - the changes to the evolving human being that has been and is being created by this process.
By way of contrast, each episode will also continue the poems and commentaries of the Quest that illustrate an archetypal template of the spiritual and psychological journey of healing and spiritual illumination. No matter what the movement of the collective in its technological and materialist developments there is always the option of personal, emotional, and spiritual development regardless of the age one lives in – for this is the eternal quest of humanity.
There will also be an update on the evolving series of crises of our times.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
La tesis central de esta serie es que el mundo en el siglo XXI enfrenta una crisis multidimensional: política, económica, financiera, militar, climática, tecnológica, espiritual, de salud, social, ideológica. Los llamo los 10 jinetes del apocalipsis por razones que serán con cada episodio más claras. Estos solo pueden entenderse de manera sistémica, es decir, como un sistema de interacción. Por lo tanto, no se puede hablar sobre la situación de pandemia de salud sin referirse a la crisis económica y financiera. Mi intención es explorar todas estas dimensiones y mostrarlas como una crisis interactiva.
Su propósito es cambiar completamente la visión del mundo. Puede sacarnos de nuestras preocupaciones subjetivas. También nos ayudará a entender el mundo interior, nuestra propia psique y ayudarnos a encontrar una respuesta visionaria a los problemas de nuestro tiempo y a nuestras crisis personales. En los episodios por venir exploramos respuestas visionarias a estas crisis incluidas las de Carl Gustav Jung, quien desde lo más profundo de su propia psique proporcionó una respuesta a la crisis spiritual de nuestro tiempo.
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
S2 Ep 34. The Crisis of our Times. Part 8. The Wake-up Call
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
My wake-up call in March 2020 was that this unfolding series of crises, long in the making, had already passed its tipping point. The house of cards was already falling. What has happened since then is that most major economies have covered up and disguised the economic and financial crisis by creating vast debt and money creation and pretending this is fine, pretending they are in charge. But they are merely postponing the crisis while it becomes larger.
Accordingly, I have said clearly that a Great Global Depression has already begun and that the financial crisis is unfolding in front of us. I have given a road-map in episodes 27 and 30 which outlined the stages of the crisis – the sequence and timing could be different but all stages will be experienced.
I described in episodes 27 and 30 the great fault lines in the world system in the decade leading up to 2010 and have called the different parts of the multidimensional crises the 10 horseman of the Apocalypse because they will take humanity to the brink of extinction and constitute a great unveiling or revelation. So beyond the economic, health and financial we have a number of dimensions that stretch all the way to the conflict of ideas of our times and the spiritual crises, besides the ones that are glaringly more obvious such as the climatic and the military. Less obvious is the crisis of our subservience to technology especially as human nature itself is becoming profoundly altered by this force, one might say this is the god that we worship. We simply are incapable of resisting it, questioning it, or putting any ethical dimension around it. It is shaping us. We are not in control of it.
This episode continues with the poetry readings from the last part of The Sower and the Seed (2015) which via the metaphors of the pilgrimage and mountain ascent tell the archetypal story (the myth) of spiritual transformation. No matter what the crisis this is always available to us. Illumination and gnosis are triggered by suffering and an inherent, built-in impulse of the psyche.
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
S2 Ep 33. The Crisis of our Times. Part 7. The Ten Horseman of the Apocalypse
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Ten interacting crises are described; long term economic problems of American society outlined; apocalypse means the revealing, the unveiling in ancient Greek. Thus, in these times, as the crises intensify, the fissures of societies and civilisations (race, religion, class, gender) come to the surface and reveal themselves as open wounds. Spiritual growth is required.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world ….
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
W.B.Yeats. The Second Coming
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Este podcast propone un modelo simplificado, una suerte de mapa de ruta por la evolución de la crisis económica y financiera mundial.
Las etapas de esta crisis son los siguientes:
1 El acercamiento de la tormenta
2 La tormenta llega
3 La respuesta política
4 Depresión económica y caos financiero
5 Gran depresión global
6 Disturbios civiles. Radicalismo político. Peligros de guerra
7 Un mundo radicalmente cambiado
Actualmente en mayo de 2020 estamos en la etapa 3. Es decir, la respuesta política
Hoy examinaremos la etapa inicial de este modelo: EL ACERCAMIENTO DE LA TORMENTA.
“El cisma en el cuerpo social, que hemos estado examinando, es una experiencia colectiva y, por lo tanto, superficial. Su importancia radica en que es el signo externo y visible de una grieta interna y espiritual. Encontraremos un cisma en las almas de los seres humanos que subyace a cualquier cisma que ocurra en la superficie de la sociedad " Arnold Toynbee. A Study of History
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
We live in an age of apocalyptical possibilities. We now truly have the means to bring this about. Humans have always had to face their own darkness and even evil - the life-destructive Satanic force within them. The world's mythologies are testimony to this. This episode, after reflecting on aspects of the current evolving crises, turns to a myth from Ancient Egypt that of Isis and Osiris, which is at the beginning of civilization, whereas we fear we may be at the end. Here we see clearly the battle between the creative and destructive forces, good and evil, told in this magnificent narrative which offers hope - exactly what we need today.
The essence of this precious life,
The seed upon the flower.
The scent within a perfume,
The light that is a star.
The freedom of the wild west wind,
The mist on mountain side,
The thought before you think it,
She knows you from inside.
The sweetness of the desert breeze
You can’t grasp in your hands.
She’s like the waters of the Nile,
She comes from other lands.
From Alan Mulhen The Sower and the Seed
Saturday May 16, 2020
S2 Ep 31. The Crises of our Times. Part 5. The Economic and Spiritual Crisis
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
These podcasts explore the evolving crises of the 21st century. The Virus pandemic, extremely serious though it is, has revealed the fracture lines of the world economy. We have a series of crises, and if we wish to understand more of the world we have created we have to understand them in their interacting totality – i.e. as a system.
As the podcast series progresses we will examine these dimensions, which we also call the horseman of the Apocalypse. Apocalypse comes from the Greek word meaning to reveal. It is also, in the bible, associated with the idea of a great judgement and end times,
It is only by this means of a spiritual awakening that a new vision can emerge that can save us. There has to be a spiritual rebirth because mankind’s reason cannot solve the crises in front of us. The term apocalyptic is therefore appropriate to describe our age. We will approach this final horseman, the spiritual crisis, slowly and with great caution for there is no telling the hour or the manner of its coming
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
El siglo XXI está siendo testigo de la emergencia de numerosas crisis que vienen operando de manera sistémica e interconectada conduciendo a la humanidad a un momento crítico y muy decisivo. El tema de hoy es, El Momento De La Verdad, que abordaremos en forma breve, en cuatro niveles: colectivo, individual, moral y espiritual. Estamos entrando en la primera Gran Depresión Global. De hecho, muchas economías ya están experimentando un colapso importante a una escala nunca antes vista.
Este es nuestro momento de la verdad. Esto es lo que la evolución de la vida y la conciencia en este planeta le ha llevado después de miles de millones de años. A menos que lo recibamos con la verdad, nos enfrentaremos con la puerta en la cara.
shorturl.at/jqISY The Sower and the Seed: Reflections on the Development of Consciousness
shorturl.at/xGIR9 La Inteligencia de Sanación: El Espíritu en Psicoterapia
Website: https://www.alanmulhern.com/
Saturday May 02, 2020
S2 Ep 30. The Crisis of our Times. Part 4. Homo Demonicus
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
The fault lines of the world economy are explained and these are the fractures that are opening in the Great Global Depression we are now entering. These existed before the Corona Virus which is the detonator of the inflated global economic and financial structure. The virus is serious enough but the origins of the multiple crises that are upon us were not caused by Covid 19. A virus feeds and grows upon the weakness of the host.
This episode explores the demonic in our species. I don’t believe that the human race is principally or only demonic rather that humans are divided into opposites of light and dark. The dark has the demonic as one of its possibilities while the light is that which seeks healing, growth, and which transcends the realm of the ego and its selfish, animal desires and obsessions, and embraces life itself, the good. Humans are split between these two positions which are intimately linked.
This drama is currently being played out in our economic and political systems which are also possessed by these forces.
Such a conflict of opposites comes into focus in every age of crisis and, like the crises of past ages, ours too may re-birth a spiritual vision, if it confronts its darkness and embraces a new vision, the light. For this it needs not only sound argument and science, but a spiritual and moral vision and experience from the depths of the psyche. It needs to have its vision renewed, to have the doors of perception cleansed. In other words this is the crisis of the 21st century – that we are possessed by forces we can call demonic which are driving to destruction. It is not enough that we just see our shadow, and know our darkness, it is necessary to seek the light which gives birth to new vision - - the rebirth. Out of the spiritual crisis, only when fully experienced, can there be a rebirth of the current age. All the evidence however points to the great difficulty of human beings voluntarily doing this, so I consider, that it will only be via the hard path, that of trauma and suffering, that this may occur.
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
S2 Ep 29. The Crisis of our Times. Part 3. De Profundis (Out of the Depths)
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
The world's leaders, both in the political and economic spheres, have failed in any preparation for this curent health crisis which is morphing into a Great Global Depression which will utterly change our political and social landscape. Previous declarations of the Quest Series concerning the multiple crises that are to unfold in the 21st century - the horeseman of the apocalyse and the like - might have been thought of as hyperbole. I think that view may now well be changing.
This present crisis is of the greatest seriousness but transformation is just possible. The human race must pass through deep trauma and then a chance might emerge. The potential transformation will necessarily have deep spiritual elements informing it throughout, and reason and science should be subordinate to that vision. There is no guarantee of the outcome of this process. There is no inevitable happy ending. The human race has no guardian angels or gods that necessarily see them through this. It does however have immense help if visionary material is accessed. Once the spiritual eye is opened then transformation is possible, a renewed personal and world vision may occur. There is a narrow door of opportunity. The Quest is committed to that possibility. The difficult journey, the descent, has to be undertaken so this opportunity arises. No matter how dark the vision is at times it is the light of the transformation possibility that is the raison d’etre of the Quest Series.
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
S2 Ep28. The Crisis of our Times. Part 2. The Moment of Truth
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
We further examine the evolving crises of our times and argue that a renewed spiritual and moral vision fit-for-purpose in the 21st century is urgently required.
This is our moment of Truth. This is what the evolution of life and consciousness on this planet have led to after billions of years. Unless we meet it with the Truth we face the exit door.
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
S2 Ep 27. The Crisis of our Times. Part 1. Economic and Financial Crisis
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Our species is sleepwalking to the edge of a precipice. Awaken
I do not believe there is any easy escape from the multiple crises that are now unfolding and anyway if by some miracle we returned to business as usual we would only move onto another crisis of greater magnitude. That is the evidence of our history and certainly our economic system. However I am a psychotherapist and someone deeply respectful of the world's spiritual traditions and it is a common observation that individuals change most when they can face their traumas fully and honestly and harness the energies to effect fundamental change. The same applies to the collective in this series of crises that are unfolding. By facing not only our own shadow and self-made traumas, but also those traumas we have inflicted on others, the earth, animals of all descriptions – the trauma and killing we have inflicted on this incredibly beautiful and miraculous life that we have been so privileged to have been given, only by facing this, acknowledging it, feeling it, can we begin the process of change. However, the likelihood of extreme, radical parties taking over in the near future is very high since the poltical centre that we have known will disappear as the crisis mounts.
"And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself—
Yea, all which it inherit—shall dissolve,
And like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."
Shakespeare, The Tempest. Act 4 Sc1.
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
S2 Ep 26. Spiritual Hero. Part 5. The changing image of Christ
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Christ has a changing image over time. The first is that of holy man, the curer of the sick, an exorcist of devils, the worker of miracles, and he who demonstrates the soul. This second image rapidly moves to that of a prophet, as in the line of Old Testament prophets – an elevation of his status. The third image is an even greater elevation to that of the chief prophet, the messiah himself, the anointed one, from the house of David who is still a human being, but has come to rebuild the temple and bring the Jewish religious authorities and the Jewish people back to their true god. This image and role is both religious and political. So far we are in the Jewish traditions. The fourth image steps outside of this Jewish framework and the Christian writers of the Gospels elevate Jesus to the son of the Father, the son of god, and the route to the father who is heaven. By now the Christians have their eye on the lands outside of Judea, and their mission is to the peoples of the Roman empire and perhaps even beyond. A universalist vision is to take hold of Christianity. But this comes next in our story.
There is also an introduction to the next podcast in two weeks time, March 21 2020 - the emerging economic and financial crisis of our time.
Reference: Tanakh - The Hebrew Bible - Ketuvim - Scriptures - Psalm 22
References from Gospels using Psalm 22:
Verse 1, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", is quoted in Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46[16]
Verse 7, "They hurl insults, shaking their heads", is quoted in Mark 15:29; Matthew 27:39[16]
Verse 8, "He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him", is quoted in Matthew 27:43[16]
Verse 18, "They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment", is quoted in Mark 15:24; Matthew 27:35; Luke 23:34; John 19:24[16]
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
S2 Ep 25. Spiritual Hero Part 4. The Risen Christ?
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
The Archetypal Core and the Historical Conjuncture are presented as our underlying methodology. The resurrection story is explored as a myth, that is, an archetype flowing from the core and manifesting in a particular historical epoch. Those who lived out the myth, the apostles for example, tended to experience it though the historical lens they were given but nevertheless experienced the core sufficiently to transform history.
The gospel of Thomas the Gnostic says:
And his disciples said to him, "Show us the place where you are, since it is necessary for us to seek it."
He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is darkness."
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
S2 Ep 24. Spiritual Hero. Part 3. Christ. Who do they say that I am?
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I am like."
Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a just messenger."
Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."
Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable to say what you are like."
Jesus said, "I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring that I have tended."
And he took him, and withdrew, and spoke three sayings to him. When Thomas came back to his friends they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"
Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me, you will pick up rocks and stone me, and fire will come from the rocks and devour you"
The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas