Season Two - The Quest. With special focus on the evolving crises of the 21st century. Season One - Psychotherapy: Jungian Approach to Healing. Season Three - En Español: la Psicología Junguiana y la Crisis de Nuestro Tiempo Banner illustration is by LINDSEY HARRIS, Jungian Analyst. It is the front cover of the book ”The Sower and the Seed”.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
S3 Ep12. Jung y Gnosticismo. Parte A. Spanish Language Podcast.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Jung dijo que el origen de todo su trabajo radica en los años en que persiguió las imágenes internas, cuando el inconsciente lo inundó y amenazó con quebrarlo. Lo que descubrió en su descenso al inconsciente fueron los gnósticos. Este espíritu fue el que habló a través de él. El siguiente grupo de episodios explorará cómo los gnosticos son componentes de la fundacion de la escuela de psicología de Jung.
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Of the ten horsemen of the apocalypse, the pandemic, the financial and economic crises have been described. The technological crisis is now examined, in particular the relationship between technology and our consciousness, a matter of enormous importance to our own age. This will take more than one episode.
This episode will have a nDeep history and our entwinement with technologyumber of items for exploration:
Technology is and has always been deeply entwined with our consciousness and our human nature. They are systemically intertwined, mutually influencing, catalytically interconnected.
Hominids that existed long before our species (Homo sapiens) and their technologies.
Early humanity and its technology.
The Agricultural Revolution.
Capitalism, the most technological of all economic systems - the Kondratiev technological waves that are its motor. We are in the fifth characterised by a fusion of technologies of unprecedented power and danger.
Monday Mar 08, 2021
S2 Ep50. The Financial Crisis part B. The Crisis of our Times. Part 23.
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Financial collapses have been at the heart of all major economic crises of capitalism and examples from the 1890s and 1990s are given, observing that they are growing in intensity and frequency. Examples from early presidents of the United States, Jefferson and Jackson, are given, both of whom spoke loudly against banking interests believing that they were inimical to democracy. It is argued that financial crises have been severe since the deregulation of the banking system in the 1980s and 1990s. Since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 things have gone from bad to worse.
The present situation is that the major economies are not only hiding their chronic economic difficulties behind a financial façade of money creation and debt, they are also hiding their financial chaos and instability behind the same façade. You may ask then where is this infamous financial crisis that is so feared. The answer should be no surprise by now. We are already in it and have been so for a long time but its full force is yet to be revealed.
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
En este episodio se describen los siguientes puntos de la psicología junguiana:
La relación entre el terapeuta y el paciente.
La importancia relativa no absoluta de la transferencia.
Imaginación activa: la relación directa y creativa con figuras del inconsciente.
Terminología esotérica junguiana y tradiciones de sabiduría: Opus, Telos, Nigredo, Hierosgamos, Coniunctio oppositorum, Enantiodrama, Entelechy.
Una interpretación psicológica de amplio espectro de la mitología.
La importancia de la sincronicidad.
Arquetipos, ritos de paso, rituales, técnicas ancestrales.
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
S2 Ep49. The Financial Crisis part A. The Crisis of our Times. Part 22.
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Firstly. some key terminology is explained, such as Financialization, Quantitative Easing, Moral Hazard, Price discovery, Gosbankification, Zombies, Gales of Creative Destruction, The Danger of Debt.
Secondly, a coherent narrative is given that is comprehensible to non-specialists concerning the recent history and likely future development of this financial crisis. It will also be of interest to those who have had a training in economics and finance since much of this does not prepare for this financial crisis at all.
Finally, this episode explores the emerging role of Central Bank Digital Currencies which will be key to reshaping the world financial order in the immediate future.
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
En este episodio continuamos explorando la contribución de Jung a la psicoterapia. Esto incluye: la crisis de la mediana edad; su clasificación de tipos psicológicos; dos metodologías, la analítica y la sintética; el tratamiento constructivo del inconsciente, el rol central de sentido y propósito; como contactar e elaborar los contenidos inconscientes; la activación de la función trascendente; la interacción entre el ego y el Self; el inconsciente no como un almacén de material reprimido sino un sistema interno que guía y transmite mensajes por medio de símbolos.
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
S2 Ep48. The long pause. The Crisis of our Times. Part 21.
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
The Economic Crisis, the next horseman of the apocalypse, is updated and explained. We are currently in a pause as the underlying malaise is disguised by money creations and bail outs. But this only postpones and augments the crisis to come.
# The post 2007/8 Global Financial Crash led to a new stage of capitalism in which massive government intervention in the financial system became the new paradigm
# This was accomplished through cheap and abundant money, propping up of the financial system at all costs
# Moral hazard has increased enormously
# Zombified companies have saturated the economy
# Stock markets have become disconnected fro the real economy
# Inflation in asset and housing prices have been typical of many counties.
# Increasing inequality
# Paralysed or declining productivity growth rates
# Astronomical and un-payable national debts which are ruinous for the future
# Price discovery, the essence of the free market system has been substantially eroded
Useful links for this episode:
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
The pause button has been pressed on the economic and financial crisis with the rocketing debts of many nations which by trading current stabilty against future danger will lead to a mighty financial collapse. Civilization decline in the West is explored in the Romantic poetry of the 19th century. The causes of the current pandemic are presented as the consequences of a fundamental disconnection and unprecedented attack upon nature.
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Este episodio explora aún más la contribución de Jung a la psicoterapia. Esto incluye la Función Trascendente, el enfoque sintético que tipifica la terapia junguiana, y la interpretación junguiana de los sueños. Este episodio termina con un ejemplo de cómo trabajar con el reino arquetípico de una manera junguiana.
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
S2 Ep46. Overview of Series. The Crisis of our Times. Part 19.
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
An overview of The Crisis of our Times series is provided; the ingredients of civilizational collapse are presented; future podcasts are indicated; the complexities of multidimesional crises are mentioned; a parable is given but the answer is not provided.
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
El concepto de Jung del Self no solo fue una de las grandes contribuciones a la Psicología Profunda, sino que surgió de su propio retiro y desintegración durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y su notable viaje para encontrar su propia mitología. Este episodio contará la historia de este descenso y renacimiento.
Friday Nov 27, 2020
S2 Ep45. Spiritual Transformation, Taoist Philosophy and a Poem
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
In today’s episode I have decided to do something rather different. I have chosen a mythic individual at the start of Chinese history, the Yellow Emperor, and have constructed a poem using the story of his retreat to the Mountains of the West in search of enlightenment at the feet of the sage Guangchengzi. This is one of the earliest stories we have of the search for spiritual illumination and its impact not just on an individual but on the collective which was in deep discord. I believe such a story, myth, or archetype is right for our time.
The literary sources for Taoist philosophy are taken from The Secret of the Golden Flower, a book of great importance to Jung. There are also references in the poem to the I Ching, the Book of Changes.
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
This episode explores Death Potential which is not a psychological trait but a mythological and metaphysical category. Moreover, it is archetypal and universal and therefore is not unique to capitalism but exists within our consciousness across its whole history. The immense technological powers of capitalism constellate this Death Potential in the most intense form yet experienced by our species. This distinguishes it from Freud’s notion of the death instinct. I do not believe such an instinct exists in the human psyche but I do believe that mankind has a tremendous fear of death which is repressed, becomes intolerable and is then projected outwards. I also believe that the whole perinatal period, (that is the period around birth: in the womb, actual birth, and immediate post-birth) can be an intimate, dramatic, sometimes traumatic, encounter with the forces of death that can deeply shape human character. In other words our entrance into consciousness is through the gates of potential death. This is projected onto nature,other human beings, and the world. This is our greatest danger.
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
En el último podcast esbocé una visión clásica de Jung del proceso de individuación. Cubrí la Persona y la Sombra. En este episodio describo las siguientes dos etapas: el encuentro con el Anima o Animus, y también con los arquetipos.
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
An extensive list is explored of the changes in consciousness brought about by the development of capitalism. This includes:
The removal from nature. A material view of the world. The increasingly rational and economic viewpoint. The abandonment of the religious outlook. More individualism, less individuation. An economic view of societal relationships. A legalistic view of relationships. Rational and bureaucratic systems of control. Specialisation but fragmentation of knowledge. Dominance of money relationships. Greater education. Wealth creation and enjoyment. A vast increase in consumerism. The impact of property ownership. Technological reliance. Greater freedom. A change in the nature of the repressive apparatus within the collective psyche. Increasing dominance of the conscious over the unconscious. Disenchantment and loss of soul. Nature is viewed as a completely exploitable resource. The movement to a de-gendered human being. Informational capitalism – in which the consciousness of humanity is becoming fused with digital and virtual realities. The rise of artificial intelligence and the alteration of human nature.
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
The changes in consciousness engendered by capitalism are outlined. But there is also a light of new vision in the modern age that seems as nothing as compared with the vast forces of global economic development, finance, industrialization, and information technology. These forces that have produced the contemporary alienated, rationalised, increasingly digitalised human being are currently reshaping humanity so that it is even further removed from nature and seem overwhelming. Yet history shows us that vast changes in consciousness begin like a small light, a vision glimpsed by few, but increasingly felt by many.
There is an emerging vision in the modern age which amazingly has been nurtured out of science itself, that sees the universe as alive and pregnant with meaning and consciousness, that sees nature as holy, that sees the human being as part of a spiritual development out of matter towards higher consciousness, that opposes the forces that are destroying us. Only by such visionary consciousness will we emerge from the precarious ledge we are balanced upon and move upwards to the next stage of our evolution.
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
The productive forces of the capitalism are immense and without precedent. The continually reshape the relationship between world powers, countries, regions, cities, classes, and individuals. It also has inherent, inbuilt tendencies towards crises and even collapse. As well as its transformative power these weaknesess are enumerated briefly in this episode. Yet for all its creativity this power is also demonic and life-destroying.
From Eden cast in fallen state,
To world of death condemned,
Both Eve and Adam tears did shed,
This paradise must end.
Banished into endless toil,
Out of primal grace,
The shadow within consciousness,
Then gripped the human race.
Economic systems rise,
But never calm our fear.
Towards the gates of death we go,
If you have ears, then hear
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
En este podcast comenzamos a explorar las contribuciones de Jung a la psicoterapia. Examinaremos su visión de la estructura de la psique, su función intencional, sus mecanismos compensatorios y de autoequilibrio, el concepto de complejo, el proceso de individuación a partir de la persona y la sombra. En los siguientes podcasts continuaremos con la exploración de su trabajo.
La psicología junguiana continúa creciendo durante el siglo XXI, ya que no solo ofrece un rico conjunto de herramientas para examinar la psique, sino también la conciencia y los métodos para promover su desarrollo e individuación. El pensamiento junguiano instrumenta el acceso a la psique profunda, entra en el tejido vivo de nuestro tiempo, aborda su sentido de alienación y desesperación, y proporciona significado y el camino de transformación no solo a los individuos sino al colectivo.
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
The EU engaged in a exaggerated expansion of its membership. It now creates vast debts in an attempt to bail out States, banks, and even economies. It seems a titanic enterprise. Umm, titanic? The very word strikes an ominous chord in trauma memory. Back in 1912 it was asked how the Titanic, the largest passenger ship of its day, could be sunk by an iceberg. Monetary policy, with its exploding debts and money creations, could well be the iceberg that sinks the European Union.
The general problems of the EU, both external and internal are covered. The monetary policies of the ECB since the 2008 crash are presented as a series of errors; These policies are desperate attempts to cover up the depths of the crisis and have led the Eurozone on the path of ruin. Only by understanding these polices as defensive and desperate manoeuvres of dubious legality, will one see the seriousness of the situation the EU is facing. And finally the latest stages of capitalism with respect to the balance between free markets and the State are examined.
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
The core problem of the European Union lies in its economic arrangements that, should they not be modified, will probably break apart the union as we currently know it.
As well as the deep differences between EU member states there is a lack of economic flexibility that arises from adopting a common currency. The rigid maintenance of the Euro with the absence of flexible exchange rates plus the escalating debts of the union will undermine its coherence, lead to the downfall of the Euro, and provoke a severe banking crisis which will go global and endanger the Union.
Division in the EU has sharpened. Thus, the EU leaders are caught between a rock and hard place. On the one hand, as countries enter into economic crises, there is threat of the breakup of the union and the destruction of the European dream, the great project. A banking crisis would be sure to follow as debts are reneged upon and the lending banks collapse triggering a global financial crisis. On the other hand, the opposite: the road of federalisation, the defence of the Euro, and the placating of weaker member states. The issuing of a common European debt is a milestone on this path.